Island Illumination
The work-in-progress I wrote about earlier this week is now finished. This is from our last visit to Hatteras Island, in the vicinity of Avon:
"Island Illumination" Oil on Linen, 24x30" For purchasing info and details, click here!
Virginia is a beautiful state, but her winters tend to be predominantly gray and brown; at least that's how Richmond winters are. Not that there isn't beauty in the subtle shades of gray, but after a while it can wear on my psyche. I guess as I have gotten older, I have become a bit like certain plants- I can get by with less, but I need a certain amount of sunlight to really thrive.
I suppose this is why I am so often drawn to painting light-filled subjects. It just does my spirit good. And so I am taking a little mental vacation here to a beautiful sunset in one of my all-time favorite places- the Outer Banks of North Carolina (Hatteras Island in particular). In the absence of the realtime experience , I can still transport myself there through painting.