"Tulips and Mandarins", Oil on linen, 14x11"
Price: US $660 unframed, or $750 framed.
For options and purchasing, please contact us.
About the painting:
The Still Life carries a long tradition with representational artists. The variety of textures and surfaces provide endless opportunities for exploration, and challenges the artist to hone her skills in drawing, composition, values, form, and edges. Exuberant orange and delft blue create a dance of color compliments in a classic still life setup.

"Primrose and Irises", Oil on canvas, 20x16"
Price: US $1225 unframed, or $1375 framed.
For options and purchasing, please contact us.
About the painting:
The Still Life carries a long tradition with representational artists. The variety of textures and surfaces provide endless opportunities for exploration, and challenges the artist to hone her skills in drawing, composition, values, form, and edges. This painting of stately iris and humble primrose is a celebration of springtime and the color violet!

"Spring Mix", Oil on canvas, 16x12"
Price: US $850 unframed, or $945 framed.
For options and purchasing, please contact us.
About the painting:
The Still Life carries a long tradition with representational artists. The variety of textures and surfaces provide endless opportunities for exploration, and challenges the artist to hone her skills in drawing, composition, values, form, and edges. A explosion of crimson bursts forth from a complementary green vase. The background is kept colorful but simple, so that all attention can be focused where it is due, on this beautiful bouquet of spring flowers.