Jennifer Young Fine Art

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Charmed in Beynac

Well school's out for summer, so we are all transitioning into  a new schedule. I was able to get into the studio a bit last week, and finished up the little French village painting I had started on in my previous post:

"Charmed in Beynac", Oil on linen, 11x14" ©Jennifer Young

I am having a good time experimenting with some new Gamblin paint colors on my palette. My favorites right now are some from their "Radiant"  line and the "Brown-Pink" I seemed to be hearing about everywhere I turn. All I can say is, Brown-Pink, where have you been all my life?

This little painting brings back  a most memorable visit to the village of Beynac. I traveled with a group during this trip, and on this particular day I was to meet the others for a tour of the chateau. The Chateau de Beynac sits at the very top of a rather steep climb through the town, which basically is plopped onto the side of a cliff. 

I wasn't very popular on that day because I lagged behind. Hey, was it my fault the town was so utterly charming? I did end up making it to the tour of the chateau on time, but barely, and not without some exasperated looks darting my way. Oh well, in my tardiness I got some great pictures, so for me it was totally worth it.